Author: admin


UFA Legislative Update: January 18, 2018

Dear UFA Members and Friends, The 31st Legislature is getting underway in Juneau.  The Senate and House both gaveled in on Monday and swore in new members.  On Thursday, Foster was elected Pro Tem of the House until the House gets organized.                              ...


UFA Update: November 15, 2018

***We wanted to make sure that if you’re attending Pacific Marine Expo, that you are also aware of this special panel to be held this Sunday, November 18.*** MAGNUSON-STEVENS ACT — HOW CURRENT POLICIES IMPACT FISHERMEN AND OUR NATION’S SEAFOOD SUPPLY Ocean Strategies is hosting a discussion panel at Pacific Marine this Sunday from 1-2pm...


Board of Fisheries Hatchery Recap

As you are likely aware, the Alaska Board of Fisheries met on October 16 to consider two Agenda Change Requests (ACRs) to limit hatchery production in the state.  UFA worked closely with many other groups to get the word out about these ACRs and requested that members submit written comments opposing the adoption of these...