Author: admin


Sen. Sullivan and Lt. Gov. Mallott in Ottawa

Transboundary news to share! Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott recently returned from Ottawa, the federal capital of Canada. The two held meetings with Canadian government officials to communicate Alaskans long-standing concerns about mining and other industrial pollution in transboundary rivers that flow across the border between between B.C. and Alaska Please take a moment and thank Sen....


UFA Legislative Update: February 2, 2018

This week was relatively quiet as the legislature has been addressing personnel matters unrelated to fisheries and well-reported elsewhere. Next week also looks to be relatively quiet as far as fisheries matters.

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UFA Update: February 1, 2018

Welcome new Executive Director Frances Leach Please set in your approved senders list if you use email filtering. The Spring 2018 UFA meeting will be held February 27- March 1 at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center. UFA meetings are open to current members and invited guests. Help support UFA today! Visit ‘Become a...