Author: admin


Press Release: UFA Publishes Updated Alaska Community Fishing Fact Sheets to Promote Seafood Industry Awareness

The statewide commercial fishing umbrella association United Fishermen of Alaska has released its updated set of fishing data sheets for major Alaska communities, boroughs and census areas. UFA is seeking to provide comprehensive information and statistics to help raise awareness of the importance of the commercial fishing and seafood processing industry to the state and Alaska communities.


UFA Legislative Update: January 27, 2017

This week the Alaska State Legislature has started with committee meetings and informational overviews. House Fisheries committee heard a presentation by ADFG on State versus Federal fisheries management. See the meeting page for audio archive and Powerpoint of the presentation. For the week of January 30, hearings include budget overviews from Commercial and Sport fishing...


UFA Legislative Update: January 20, 2017

This week the Alaska State Legislature started the first session of the 30th Alaska State Legislature. See the home page for committee lists and schedules, prefiled and new legislation. So far, legislation has not been introduced for fishing industry specific taxes. We will continue to monitor the bills and hearings.   Committee meeting: House Fisheries...