Author: admin


UFA Legislative Update: March 18, 2016

From UFA President Jerry McCune Highlights from this week: -House Special Committee on Fisheries continues to hold the Governor’s fishery taxes bill HB 251. Committee Chair Representative Stutes has committed to holding the bill until similar progress is made in legislation for taxes on other industries, so fisheries are not singled out for new taxes....


UFA Update: March 11, 2016

Support UFA Business members on our website HERE. Help support UFA today! Visit ‘Become a Member’ on our website to see the various membership levels and benefits. UFA Fish Calendar: Inclusion of an item does not mean that UFA endorses or agrees. Contents: Statewide Lawmakers focus on Cook Inlet during Fish Board confirmation hearing...


UFA Legislative Update – January 22, 2016

Dear UFA members and contacts, The legislative session is well underway after three days. UFA staff has provided documents from our Fall board meeting to each Alaska legislator’s office: Resolution 2015-1 regarding the State Fiscal situation Resolution 2015-2 supporting the Division of Economic Development Commercial Fishing and Hatchery loan programs Letter to the Administration regarding...