Author: admin


UFA Update: December 31, 2015 – Special update

One item only: Alaska Supreme Court denies initiative to ban urban commercial setnets Alaska Dispatch News: A ballot initiative that would ban commercial setnets in Alaska’s urban areas won’t be heading to voters anytime soon, according to the Alaska Supreme Court. The state’s highest court Thursday overturned an Anchorage superior court decision that allowed the initiative to move forward....


UFA semi-annual spring 2016 board meeting – Juneau 

February 16, 17 & 18, 2016  MEETING LOCATION – St Ann’s Parish Hall  – 430 5th Street, Juneau (three blocks east from State Capitol rear entrance) Evening Event: Symphony of Seafood / Legislative Reception co-hosted by AFDF and UFA, Tuesday, February 16th Rockwell restaurant ballroom (former Elks hall). 109 South Franklin St (next building south from...


UFA Update: December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from your friends at United Fishermen of Alaska! UFA welcomes NEW “Sea Class” business member Fred Wahl Marine Construction and “Bay Class” business members City of Hoonah and Nomar. Support UFA Business members on our website HERE. From the Executive Director: Dear UFA members and friends, The holidays and the...