Author: admin


UFA Update: March 18, 2014

The UFA reception in February was a huge success, thanks to our generous seafood donations from Jim and Mona Stone of the Alaska Scallop Association for the scallops and amazing catering, Taku Fisheries for the salmon, rockfish, halibut and Tanner crab, Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers for the Bairdi crab, and Trident Seafoods for the Redi Grilled Pollock.

Help support Alaska’s #1 private sector employer and protect your fishing business by joining UFA today!


UFA Update: January 27, 2014

It’s that time of year again! The annual UFA spring meeting in Juneau will be held February 19th through 21st in the Rockwell ballroom at 109 South Franklin St. (formerly the Elks Lodge). This meeting is UFA’s opportunity to meet with lawmakers in the Alaska Legislature, key officials in state and federal government, and discuss issues that impact the seafood industry in Alaska.


UFA Update: December 20, 2013

As the year draws to a close, UFA is taking this time to reflect on the past fishing season and legislative session. Thank you to everyone who stopped by the UFA booth at Pacific Marine Expo this year! Thanks to the help of numerous member group volunteers, UFA picked up a record 40?? new members in the three day period. UFA welcomes our new members who help keep this great organization afloat.

We know many of you had very profitable 2013 fishing season, and we encourage you to consider