Author: admin


Press Release: UFA Publishes Fishing Economic Fact Sheets to Heighten Community Fishery Awareness (November 11, 2011)

The statewide commercial fishing umbrella association United Fishermen of Alaska, representing 37 fishing associations, has released a set of data sheets for major Alaska communities and boroughs. The group is seeking to provide UFA groups and members with economic information to illustrate the industry’s significance in their communities.

UFA is alarmed at the lack of public awareness about the economic contributions of the fishing and processing industry across Alaska.


Press Release: UFA Supports Reestablishment of Alaska Coastal Management Program (November 2, 2011)

The United Fishermen of Alaska has joined a growing number of coastal communities in adopting a resolution supporting reestablishment of an Alaska Coastal Management Program at its full board meeting in Homer last week. The resolution makes no reference to the initiative, or controversial points that led to a legislative deadlock and the cessation of the program.

“UFA’s focus is on the common interests of the fishing industry, and we all share the recognition of the need for the ACMP’s


Press Release: UFA Announces New Officers, At-large Board Members and Committee Chairs (June 15, 2011)

The United Fishermen of Alaska (UFA) today announced the reelection of Arni Thomson who resides in Anchorage, and represents the Alaska Crab Coalition, as President of UFA. Bruce Wallace, a Southeast salmon seiner has been elected as Vice President and he currently resides in Juneau. Rich Davis, a salmon troller, who resides in Juneau, was reelected Secretary Treasurer.

Kevin Adams, a Bristol Bay gillnetter who resides in Anchorage, was elected to the UFA Board as a new at-large Board