Category: Legislative Update


UFA Legislative Update: February 10, 2018

Dear UFA members and friends,  It has been another busy week at UFA.  We are monitoring several bills closely and Jerry and I have been meeting with legislators and their staff to address questions and concerns.  We have been closely watching SB 135 the Cook Inlet Permit Buyback Bill and waiting for a new committee...


UFA Legislative Update: February 2, 2018

This week was relatively quiet as the legislature has been addressing personnel matters unrelated to fisheries and well-reported elsewhere. Next week also looks to be relatively quiet as far as fisheries matters.

We encourage members to support our business members – see links on our website.

Thank you for your support!


UFA Legislative Update: January 26, 2018

Dear Members and Friends, Activity at the Legislature is picking up with several Fisheries Committee meetings taking place, as well as Jerry and myself meeting with legislators to discuss issues and UFA concerns. There are a few bills that we are keeping an eye on and monitoring closely.  I have outlined three that we have...