Category: Legislative Update


UFA Legislative Update: May 4, 2018

Dear UFA Members and Friends, Just when we thought session was winding down, things sped back up with several bills moving.  HB 354 – the Dive Fishery Management bill, which UFA supports, is now awaiting transmittal to the Governor.  Another bill that UFA supports, HB 56 – Comfish Loan Limits passed out of Senate Finance...


UFA Legislative Update: April 27, 2018

Dear UFA Members and Friends, We apologize we didn’t get a legislative update out last Friday.  We were too busy at the legislature with our eyes on HB 231- the CFEC Restructuring bill that was amended and attached to SB 37- a senate pharmacy board bill. The amendments made to HB 231 were significant enough...


UFA Legislative Update: April 13, 2018

Dear UFA Members and Friends, It’s spring which means many of you are getting your boats ready for the summer season and/or participating in spring fisheries throughout the state.  It also means the legislature is entering their final push to the finish line. HB 199 was the primary focus of House Fisheries this week with...