Category: Salmon Habitat


We’ve been busy promoting healthy salmon habitat

Just because nets are put away, doesn’t mean the work stops!  Here’s what’s inside: Thank you! Hundreds of fishermen commented through SHIP’s Action platform Ocean Acidification infographic Ocean Acidification presentation (Juneau) Ocean Acidification panel (Pacific Marine Expo) Thank you for weighing into EPA SHIP launched our online platform in conjunction with the EPA’s comment period on...


Act now, Pebble Mine comments due!

The Trump Administration’s EPA is now seeking public input on its decision to reverse its 2014 Proposed Determination to add specific protections to water quality in the Bristol Bay watershed. The 2014 Determination would have ensured large-scale mining did not cause irreversible harm to habitat that sustains the world’s largest salmon fishery. Just as Bristol Bay fishermen...


PASSED! Alaska Wild Salmon Month

Big news for salmon fishermen! Yesterday, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed Resolution 261 recognizing the month of September 2017 as “Alaska Wild Salmon Month” sponsored by Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. By recognizing Alaska’s salmon economy is supported by wild salmon returning to Alaskan streams and rearing in Alaskan waters, the U.S. Senate understands salmon habitat...