Category: UFA Updates


Board of Fisheries Hatchery Recap

As you are likely aware, the Alaska Board of Fisheries met on October 16 to consider two Agenda Change Requests (ACRs) to limit hatchery production in the state.  UFA worked closely with many other groups to get the word out about these ACRs and requested that members submit written comments opposing the adoption of these...


Vote while you fish starting today, Oct 22

VOTE WHILE YOU FISH! Don’t wait – vote in the Alaska General Election beginning today, October 22. If you will be fishing or away from home on Tuesday November 6, make plans now to vote absentee or early. See below for the four ways to vote absentee: 1) in-person, 2) by mail, 3) by fax...


Vote While You Fish – August 17, 2018

August 21 Alaska Primary Election – Have you voted yet? The state Primary Elections are Tuesday August 21.  If you’ll be in your home district be sure to vote… for info see Polling Place lookup & 2018 Primary Election Candidate List – District Search & 2018 Primary Election Sample Ballot by District     If...