Category: UFA Updates


UFA Update: Pacific Marine Expo Update – One Week Countdown!

UFA’s Fall 2018 membership drive concludes at Pacific Marine Expo! Have you registered yet?  – Click HERE to register for free prior to the show! UFA will be in the NEW Alaska Hall, in our new larger booth #4125 along with our friends from AFDF. Charge your phone, grab some coffee or water, rest your...


UFA Update: October 12, 2017

Registration is open for Pacific Marine Expo. NOV 16 – 18, 2017… Travel info Comment to EPA on Bristol Bay Mining Withdrawal of Proposed Determination before October 17 – UFA Salmon Habitat Information Program TAKE ACTION Page (or see item #25 for links and info) Thanks to the Alaska Salmon Alliance, Resources for All Alaskans,...


Act now, Pebble Mine comments due!

The Trump Administration’s EPA is now seeking public input on its decision to reverse its 2014 Proposed Determination to add specific protections to water quality in the Bristol Bay watershed. The 2014 Determination would have ensured large-scale mining did not cause irreversible harm to habitat that sustains the world’s largest salmon fishery. Just as Bristol Bay fishermen...