Category: UFA Updates


UFA Update: October 14, 2014

Be sure to vote on November 4. If you won’t be in your home town, act now by voting early or voting absentee:

Alaska Department of Elections Absentee & Early voting: including locations where you may be able to vote early or outside your home district:

Or request an absentee ballot for Voting By-Mail and Electronic Transmission


UFA Update: September 8, 2014

This is United Fishermen of Alaska’s 40th year of working to protect Alaska’s fisheries and the seafood industry. To celebrate, we will be hosting a UFA 40th anniversary banquet, awards ceremony, and silent auction on September 26th, 2014. This is a ticketed event that is set to coincide with our semi-annual UFA fall board meeting at the Hotel Captain Cook from September 26th-28th, and also the ASMI All-Hands meeting and Great Alaska Seafood Cookoff from Sept 29th- Oct 1st.


UFA Update: August 12, 2014

Please save the date! The UFA fall meeting will be held at the Hotel Captain Cook in downtown Anchorage September 26th, 27th & 28th. The UFA meeting dates are set to coincide with the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) All-Hands meeting which will also be held at the Captain Cook September 29th, 30th, & October 1st. Every fall during an election year, UFA holds their semi-annual meeting in