

Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation announces the 2020 Alaska Symphony of Seafood

The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) announced the Call for Product for the 27th annual Alaska Symphony of Seafood which culminates in 2020. The Alaska Symphony of Seafood is a competition for new value-added products made from Alaska seafood. The overall goal is to inspire innovative ways to fully utilize and increase the value of Alaska’s seafood....


UFA Update: August 20, 2019

BUDGETYesterday, Governor Dunleavy signed into law HB 2001 with approximately $222 million dollars in cuts (down from the $423.7 million cuts in June) and approving a $1,600 PFD with a call for a third special session fall 2019 to address allocating the remainder the PFD.  The Governor vetoed almost all the Fish and Game amendments...


UFA Update: June 28, 2019

Governor Dunleavy Signs Budget2016 GOA Pink Salmon Disaster UpdatePebble Mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement Comments DueDerelict Vessel Bill UpdateNPFMC Cook Inlet Salmon Committee Call for NominationsCouncil Seeks IFQ Committee MembersElectronic Monitoring and Reporting Funding Opportunity2020 Saltonstall-Kennedy GrantsIFQ Access Opportunities- Global Examples Governor Dunleavy Signs BudgetOn Friday, Governor Dunleavy cut an additional $444 million from Alaska’s...